Center for Strategic Communication

Recommended Reading—Summer 2016

[by J. Scott Shipman]   The Storm of Creativity, by Kyna Leski 2017 War With Russia, by General Sir Richard Shirreff The Wright Brothers, by David McCullough Serendipities, Language and Lunacy, by Umberto Eco Paradise, Dante Alighieri, translated by Mark Musa...

Terror Is Glamour as War is Game

[ by Charles Cameron — on the necessary simultaneity of temporal and eternal perspectives ] . ** First as to glamour -– it may help to reflect that glamour, our word, comes not from Vogue but from the same origins as grammar (referring to languages) and...

Getting deeper into Koestler

[ by Charles Cameron — on creativity at the intersection of the fleeting and the eternal ] . Centaur, displayed in the International Wildlife Museum, Tucson, AZ ** You know Lao Tzu’s “uncarved wood” (pu) — and Spencer Brown’s “Mark” or “first...

A song of the narco-miraculous

[ by Charles Cameron — on dark spirituality, magic and apocalyptic ] . I’ve received a review copy of Tony Kail’s Narco-Cults, and by chance when I first opened it, my eye fell on a miracle story. ** Here, in a clip from a narcocorrido video, is an officer of...

On Sacrament: the world transfigured

[ by Charles Cameron — moving from magic to sacrament and from word to world — with implications for the study of terrorism and torture ] . Roger Wagner, 1984: The Harvest Is the End of the World and the Reapers Are the Angels ** Tara Isabella Burton, in a...