A shadow of a man looking to a futuristic looking city

Center for Strategic Communication

A research unit of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Hugh Downs School of Human Communication at Arizona State University

The Center for Strategic Communication (CSC) is a research unit of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Arizona State University. CSC affiliated faculty and students pursue research on issues such as countering ideological support for terrorism (CIST), diplomacy and public diplomacy, state-based propaganda and disinformation, public health, and climate change. Since its establishment in 2011, CSC has earned a reputation among stakeholders as a leading research center on problems of public sector strategic communication.


Our recent projects

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In process


CSC is collaborating with ASU's VADER Lab on a project that uses Artificial Intelligence (Large Language Models) to promote…

In process

Generative Narrative Networks for Strategic Analysis and Forecasting of Conflict

This project develops a framework for representing narratives as networks, and using these networks as a basis for modeling and simulation. When applied to a conflict…

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