Center for Strategic Communication

Jimmy Chen declares DQ on War

[ by Charles Cameron — juxtaposition offers us a potent way to connect “equal but opposite” dots ] . Jimmy Chen at HTMLGiant captures the griefs and joyful reliefs of war by juxtaposing two war photos that had separately become iconic — and...

The First Battle — a review

[by J. Scott Shipman] The First Battle, Operation Starlite and the Beginning of the Blood Debt in Vietnam, by Otto J. Lehrack, Lt.Col., USMC, Ret. This is an older book, but important. A few weeks ago I was having lunch with a good friend, Bruce. Bruce is a Vietnam...

Warlords Revisited

“The horror! The horror! Charles Cameron sparked a discussion with his doublequotes post on two colonels, the late strategist John Boyd and the fictional monster,  Walter Kurtz from Francis Ford Coppola’s classic Vietnam War film homage to Joseph...

Venkat on Positioning vs. Melee Moves

Blogfriend, Dr. Venkat Rao had an intriguing post at Tempo (his other blog) on which I want to make a few, relatively disjointed, observations: Positioning Moves versus Melee Moves  My general philosophy of decision-making de-emphasizes the planning/execution...