Center for Strategic Communication

The American Spring and the Arab Spring

By Patricia Lee Sharpe Hopes were high a few years ago. The Arab street—that’s working people as well as the educated middle class—was waking up and demanding a better shake. Throwing off well-founded fears of brutal retaliation, thousands of people gathered...

The Military Is Only Part of the Story

By Patricia Lee Sharpe For the most part, the Republicans (including Speaker of the House Paul Ryan) listened to the President’s State of the Union speech with stony faces. Many frowned throughout. During his quite eloquent remarks there were a number of points at...

Here are the Facts: State Does It Again

by Joan Wadelton, Guest Contributor Update:   On October 29, State filed a motion to dismiss my case from Federal District Court. In doing so, it referenced the 2015 OIG Information Report – despite the Court’s ban on the introduction of new evidence. State,...