Center for Strategic Communication

US Fusion Program Recommendations

On Thursday, December 4, 2014, ASP convened an expert-level roundtable to discuss recommendations for how to build a viable US fusion program. Held under rules of “not-for-attribution” in order to encourage free and open debate, the roundtable discussed...

Central Asia: Five Key Issues

Central Asia has been the intersection between Europe and Asia for over 3000 years. Civilizations from India to the Caspian Sea have risen and fallen. The rugged landscape has been the setting of brutal and destructive warfare as well as for the flow of goods, ideas,...

American Security Quarterly – August 2014

The Russian annexation of Crimea and the scores of pro-Russia militants taking up arms in Eastern Ukraine — before it physically happened, you would be hard-pressed to find someone who labeled it a likelihood. This example of a ‘black swan event’ is far from the only...