Center for Strategic Communication

A Very Short, but Sweet Recommended Reading

[by Mark Safranski, a.k.a. “zen“] I’m still alive. Work and other commitments have been overwhelming the past month or so, but Charles Cameron has ably been holding down the fort. A trio of highly recommended posts:   T. Greer –  The...

Browsing in bin Laden’s library II

[ by Charles Cameron — following up on Browsing in bin Laden’s library ] . Marcy Wheeler at Salon reports of the ODNI’s Bin Laden’s Bookshelf (expanded form, .pdf) that “the categorization imposed by ODNI” consists “largely of...

A dozen or so books on Islamic apocalyptic

[ by Charles Cameron — since this topic is at last swinging into focus ] . It is my impression that Islamic apocalyptic has finally surfaced as a significant contributor to those interested in questions of contemporary national security — first, through...