Center for Strategic Communication

The Cockroaches of War. And of Jihad

[by Mark Safranski, a.k.a “zen”] John Robb had a cool post on the ultra-radical takfiri insurgency ISIS/ISIL and their self-proclaimed Sunni “Caliphate“, the Islamic State, whom he gave as an example of “the cockroaches of war”:...

New Book: The Lion’s Gate by Steven Pressfield

[by Mark Safranski, a.k.a. “zen”] The Lion’s Gate: On the Front Lines of the Six Day War by Steven Pressfield  This just arrived hot off the presses on my doorstep yesterday, courtesy of Steve and in terms of writing, The Lion’s Gate appears to...

Making Historical Analogies about 1914

[by Mark Safranski, a.k.a. “zen”] The Independent has a short, quasi-sensationalist, article featuring historian Margaret MacMillan discussing what is likely to become the first pop academic cottage industry of 2014….making historical analogies about...

Octavian Manea Interviews General David Petraeus

[by Mark Safranski a.k.a. “zen”] Octavian Manea has had an excellent series of COIN  interviews at SWJ and this is one of the more important ones: Reflections on the “Counterinsurgency Decade”: Small Wars Journal Interview with General David H....

A Brief Note on the Benghazi Hearings

There is legitimate room for debate if there could have been an effective military reaction to the attack in Libya by al Qaida terrorists that killed Ambassador Stevens and other US personnel.  One was apparently never seriously entertained  by senior White House,...