Center for Strategic Communication

Nomenclature, ISIS and beyond

[ by Charles Cameron — accuracy in naming, and the potentially dire consequences of theological insults ] . On February 3rd, Hassan Hassan, a columnist for the English daily The National in the UAE, wrote a piece titled Five Reasons Why It Is Stupid To Say ISIL...

Of literal and metaphorical readings

[ by Charles Cameron — from “whistleblowers” via the interpretation of hadith to Aztec sacrifice and Christian Eucharist ] . Whistleblowing in Thailand (upper panel, above), which I wrote about in my previous post, is a literal matter, and whistles...

Gladwell on Waco and worldviews

[ by Charles Cameron — in hope that improved mutual understanding across a range of conflict situations will provide some viable alternatives to needlessly violent solutions ] . ** Malcolm Gladwell wrote an article published in the New Yorker at the end of last...

Serpent logics: the marathon

[ by Charles Cameron — oh, the sheer delightful drudgery of finding patterns everywhere ] . I’ll start this post, as I did the previous one to which this is a sort of appendix, with a (deeply strange, tell me about it) example of the… Matrioshka...