Center for Strategic Communication

Language as tripwire: Kobani and Ayn al-Arab

[ by Charles Cameron — third in a series nibbling at the edges of the importance of precision in language ] . Charles Lister, presently a visiting fellow at the Brookings Doha Center and previously with Jane’s Terrorism and Insurgency Center, is a...

What We Are Reading… October 3, 2014

International News Coverage Middle East, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Terrorism, and Counterterrorism ISIS losing hearts and minds in its heartland ELIZABETH PALMER & KHALED WASSEF / CBS News The people of Raqqa, by and large, are forced to toe the line and follow the diktats...

What We Are Reading…August 27, 2014

Seven countries join US in arming Iraqi Kurds against ISIL The Indian Express Seven countries, including Italy, France and the UK, have joined the American effort to arm the Kurdish forces in northern Iraq against Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), a terrorist...

What We Are Reading…August 20, 2014

Clashes Erupt as Liberia Imposes Quarantine to Curb Ebola Norimitsu Onishi / NY Times Liberia’s halting efforts to contain the Ebola outbreak spreading across parts of West Africa quickly turned violent on Wednesday when angry young men hurled rocks and stormed...

The Cockroaches of War. And of Jihad

[by Mark Safranski, a.k.a “zen”] John Robb had a cool post on the ultra-radical takfiri insurgency ISIS/ISIL and their self-proclaimed Sunni “Caliphate“, the Islamic State, whom he gave as an example of “the cockroaches of war”:...