Center for Strategic Communication

When win-win games get gamed

[ by Charles Cameron — a paradox I’m currently chewing on, courtesy of Richard Landes] . I want to take something that Richard Landes has been saying, abstract it from those conflicts to which Richard applies it, simplify it by removing one technical term...

Two new collections from Tim Furnish, plus two

[ by Charles Cameron — a chance to have Tim Furnish’s recent writings in book form, plus a couple of recent apocalyptic issues bcoz apocalypse hasn’t gone away, oh no ] . Friend, blog friend and colleague Dr Tim Furnish recently tweeted: I have two...

The Iran Nuclear Deal and the Middle East

After the signing of the historic nuclear deal between the P5+1 nations and Iran, regional actors denounced the deal for fear it spelled a new regional balance of power, and added to the Islamic Republic’s regional influence. The U.S.’s largest allies in the Middle...