Center for Strategic Communication

Two new collections from Tim Furnish, plus two

[ by Charles Cameron — a chance to have Tim Furnish’s recent writings in book form, plus a couple of recent apocalyptic issues bcoz apocalypse hasn’t gone away, oh no ] . Friend, blog friend and colleague Dr Tim Furnish recently tweeted: I have two...

Greece, Germany and The EURO – Even on Sundays

By Patricia H Kushlis Since Greece’s founding in the 1820s, no hard left wing party has governed the country before SYRIZA came to power in January. There’s one thing about winning an election; another about negotiating a country’s vital interests at the international...

Intellectuals and their Romance with Political Barbarism

[by Mark Safranski, a.k.a. “zen“] Martin Heidegger, Eric Hobsbawm and Ezra Pound A  meandering post inspired by Reason Magazine and Charles Cameron. is best known for giving a scrappy libertarian take on current events, crime, technology and pop...