Center for Strategic Communication

Weekly Wrap Up: “We Stand Together”

Watch the West Wing Week here. Middle East Trip: On Wednesday, President Obama embarked on a five day journey to Israel, the West Bank, and Jordan. The President began his visit with an arrival ceremony at the Ben Gurion airport followed by a visit to an Iron Dome...

Tracking the Response to Isaac

(August 28 – Personnel in the National Guard Command Center in Arlington, Va., monitor the progress of Tropical Storm Isaac as it makes its way through the Gulf of Mexico. The NGCC, which serves as a hub that provides an overall tracking and coordination of...

Weekly Wrap Up: First-Ever Kids’ State Dinner

Here's a quick glimpse at what happened this week on First Lady Michelle Obama Hosts First-Ever Kids' State Dinner: On Monday, First Lady Michelle Obama hosted the first-ever Kids’ “State Dinner” at the White House,...