Center for Strategic Communication

Istigkeit, approximately

[ by Charles Cameron — classification, impropriety, and a concept pretty much unique to Meister Eckhart ] . First, here’s what I call a DoubleTweet, juxtaposing two tweets for the resonance between them — and juxtaposing two thoughts for the...

How Buddhism gets around in Burma these days

[ by Charles Cameron — Aung San Suu Kyi and U Thein Sein dance a quick pas de deux, but what comes next? ] . Aung San Suu Kyi to Burma army: Deny me presidency and I'll become effective prime minister.

JM Berger swiftly doubletweets Seamus Hughes

[ by Charles Cameron — coffee on the rocks with blarney ] . Seamus Hughes tweets: Dunkin donuts are hotspots of radicalization. Trust me, I have an anecdotal evidence. — Seamus Hughes (@SeamusHughes) March 4, 2016 to which JM...