Center for Strategic Communication

Lind on “the Navy’s Intellectual Seppuku”

William Lind had a very important piece regarding an extraordinarily ill-considered move by the Navy brass: The Navy Commits Intellectual Seppuku  The December, 2013 issue of the Naval Institute’s Proceedings contains an article, “Don’t Say Goodbye to Intellectual...

Leap Worlds: my 3QD attempt

[ by Charles Cameron — another runup to the glass bead game ] . Below you can read my submission to the wonderful 3 Quarks Daily “web aggregator” site as a candidate to join their regular Monday blogging team — it didn’t even make their...

Heavy Metal: When Irregulars Go Armored

[by Mark Safranski, a.k.a. “zen”] If the symbol of the 20th century insurgent was the AK-47 and a red banner, his 21st century counterpart may someday be recognized by the suicide belt and the “homemade tank”. Irregular fighters have always...