Center for Strategic Communication

The Creepy-State attracts Creeps

[by Mark Safranski, a.k.a. “zen”] Big Brother’s little brothers are listening in on your calls, tapping your data When the government and ruling elites fashion a Creepy-State, it inevitably spawns a surveillance arms race. If your private data is...

Why Libya Matters: The 2014 Uprising

Oil and Corruption: Map of Libya’s Oil Fields and Exporting Ports Across Libya, militias like the Petroleum Defense Guard are currently occupying the country’s key ports and oil fields. The Petroleum Defense Guard alone is estimated to control 17,000...

Time To Fix The State Department

By Joan Wadelton, Guest Contributor Joan Wadleton was a Foreign Service Officer from 1980-2011.  She served in Africa, Latin America, Russia and Iraq.  In addition to assignments in the State Department, she was an advisor to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and...