Center for Strategic Communication

Meltdown, No Mouth Must Scream

[ by Charles Cameron — two powerful graphic images, one simple truth ] . ** From a purely graphic angle, the two images mirror one another quite nicely, and arguably the meltdown is the cause for the need to scream. I generally try to avoid politics, but when it...

Fake and authentic Dabiq #15s

[ by Charles Cameron — noting a further IS propaganda effort to frame its terror as a war against Christendom ] . Fake Dabiq 15: Fake version/s of #SIS English mag, #Dabiq 15, are circulated on twitter. Not 1st time bogus #ISIS/ #AQ mags surface...

Turnabout is fair play?

[ by Charles Cameron — fascinated as always by the interweave of worlds ] . If not causality, then at least correlation? Batman goes to Iraq to save the caliphate from the Joker, and other parallels; my latest

Intellectuals and their Romance with Political Barbarism

[by Mark Safranski, a.k.a. “zen“] Martin Heidegger, Eric Hobsbawm and Ezra Pound A  meandering post inspired by Reason Magazine and Charles Cameron. is best known for giving a scrappy libertarian take on current events, crime, technology and pop...