Center for Strategic Communication

Nesting Buddhas and insubstantiality

[ by Charles Cameron — from the Buddha’s Diamond Sutra via matrioshka dolls and koans to Sun Tzu and Wittgenstein ] . From Karl Brunnhölz, The Heart Sutra Will Change You Forever, in today’s Lion’s Roar: Besides being a meditation manual, we...

How Buddhism gets around in Burma these days

[ by Charles Cameron — Aung San Suu Kyi and U Thein Sein dance a quick pas de deux, but what comes next? ] . Aung San Suu Kyi to Burma army: Deny me presidency and I'll become effective prime minister.

Aesthetics of love & death

[ by Charles Cameron — relics of a catacombs martyr, St Valentine and more ] . ** There are times when the DoubleQuote format is confining, and the comparative method it is based on could be uswed effectively with more than two examples. Here consider also: The...