Center for Strategic Communication

Invest Like an Egyptian

Egypt has recently unveiled an ambitious plan for unprecedented economic development. Daring to target such lofty goals as 6 percent economic growth and a 10 percent reduction in unemployment in just five years, Egypt has positioned itself as the nexus for new...

The 0.1% of Bacteria

Last week, the UCLA-Ronald Reagan Medical Center reported two patients had died after contracting a “superbug.” As investigations continue into how and what caused these deaths and the possible exposure of 175 people, connecting stories to the cases at UCLA are...

A view from the Baltics – The Kremlin Shadow

Last week I spoke on a number of panels at a conference in Riga Latvia regarding the future of Iraq and how to fully defeat Daesh (also known as ISIS); while there I also got to see first-hand on what it’s like to be on the front lines of NATO and what the...