Master Narratives of Islamist Extremism book cover
by: Jeffry R. Halverson, H.L. Goodall, Jr. and Steven R. Corman

Master narratives are key elements of culture and civic life. They provide individuals and communities with explanations about who they are, where they came from, what they believe and why they believe it, and offer expectations for behavior and goals for leading a good, proper, just, honorable, or righteous life. Islamist extremists engage the master narratives of Muslim culture for their own purposes. They weave a vision of a world plagued by imposters who pretend to be believers but are poised to destroy the ummah from within. There are also barbarians at the gates who want to colonize and subjugate the Muslims, and who cooperate with the imposters in their nefarious plots. The only hope for defense is eternal vigilance and the heroism of champions and martyrs.

Master Narratives of Islamist Extremism allows those working against these narratives to better understand how extremists paint this picture and how to craft effective counter measures. This interdisciplinary collaboration appeals not only to strategic communication practitioners, but also to scholars interested in the history of religion, Muslim societies and cultures, and communication studies.