Center for Strategic Communication

I am falling way behind in my linking efforts to The Bridge’s outstanding blogging event – the best round table the strategy-blogosphere has produced in years!  Here are several recent contributions:

Adam Elkus – Social Choice: A Personal Theory of Power 

….Many strategic discussions default to simplistic explanations for why groups cannot achieve desired outcomes. It is easy to blame bureaucratic rivals, declare that salvation can be found in better strategy itself, make accusations of bad faith, or declare that America’s strategic culture in some way guarantees inconsistency and short-term thinking. However, there is a better, less value-laden approach to contemplating why strategy can sometimes seem like an illusion.

….I argue that one powerful method for analyzing the nature of group decision is the choice-theoretic perspective?—?and social choice in particular.

The choice-theoretic perspective models how decisions individuals make aggregate to group outcomes. While there are many different methods of analyzing choice, I talk about one in particular: social choice theory. Social choice concerns the problem of agreement by analyzing how individual preferences create collective decisions. Social choice is often used to analyze elections?—?or any other situation in which individuals rank the desirability of alternatives and must find some way to fashion a group preference out of individual choices. 

Nathan K. Finney – Land Power: A Personal Theory of Power 

….Deterrence and assurance require both credibility and capability. Credibility is created through the perception that force will be used to achieve stated interests. However, without an acknowledged force required to achieve said interests, i.e. the capability, then the threat of its use to deter undesired behavior or assure anxious allies is empty. In the end, an adversary cannot be deterred or an ally assured unless they believe the offending party can be compelled to appropriately change their behavior. While other elements of national power are important to either deterrence or assurance, both require credible and capable land power, the only element of national power that can compel behavior through physical control. The size, capability, proficiency, and posturing of land forces is what provides a credible deterrent and assures allies. As has been shown in recent events in Eastern Europe, the lack of a credible and capable force for deterrence can lead to political adventurism by adversarial entities and a failure to assure allies in a region. 

BJ ArmstrongSea Power Matters: A Personal Theory of Power  

The migration of sea power toward the operational and tactical, and the attempts to connect it to continentalist strategic ideals, can be seen partially in the rise in popularity of Sir Julian Corbett’s Some Principles of Maritime StrategyAs Alfred Thayer Mahan’s influence has declined Corbett’s has grown and is commonly cited as more “relevant” by naval officers today. Surely, part of this has to do with the simple fact that Corbett wrote more clearly than Mahan did. It also must be stated that one book is not illustrative of the entirety of the British lawyer and lecturer’s thinking on sea power. However, the tendency within Corbett’s book to focus toward operational issues, or the “grammar” of naval strategy, allows it to appeal to a more practically minded, combat centric officer corps.

Sea power, however, is much more than operational design or combat planning for forces at sea. It has to do with international relationships, economic power, commercial interests, diplomacy and statecraft. Its results are not seen solely at the business end of a Tomahawk missile or in ballistic missile submarine patrols, but also on the stock of shelves at Walmart and the price of gas at the pump. This confusion, between the battle fleet and the navy, between combat incident to operations at sea and the global power and influence of maritime forces, results from the view which labels sea power as a domain centered ideal, as another name for combat operations at sea, rather than a broader field with wider relevance to the world affairs. 

BA FriedmanAmphibious Power: A Personal Theory of Power 

….A little known theorist came down right in the middle. Lieutenant Colonel Earl “Pete” Ellis, USMC, wrote about naval and amphibious strategy in the early 20th Century, including the Marine Corps’ contribution to War Plan Orange, Advanced Base Operations in Micronesia. Ellis viewed amphibious power as a symbiotic relationship between land and sea power. Expeditionary land forces are dependent on naval forces for the necessary sea control, transport, sustainment, and fire support. Naval forces are dependent on those land forces to secure key littoral terrain for protection and to secure forward supply bases. In the course of this analysis, he identified the need for specialized, task-organized amphibious forces that could fill this niche, especially since amphibious assaults were becoming far more difficult in the face of modern artillery and machine guns. Since the focus of all of his writings was on those amphibious forces and their uses, he is perhaps the only amphibious power theorist in history. For Ellis, the mutually reinforcing symbiosis of land and sea power was decisive. He was proved correct during World War II: the US Navy could not strike at the heart of the Imperial Japan without seizing lodgments across the Pacific and Marine and Army forces could not seize those lodgments without Navy transportation, support, and sea control.

More to come….
