Center for Strategic Communication

Whole lot of DoubleQuoting going on..

[ by Charles Cameron — compare & contrast is a very basic mental practice, and one I’d like to sharpen into the cognitive tool or mental app I term DoubleQuotes ] . This may well be the most significant DoubleTweet of the day — the very fact of...

France must learn from its intelligence failures

Another catch up post, this time a piece for The Times in the wake of the horrible attack in Nice. Not sure the article totally corresponds with the piece, but the fundamental point about France facing a very acute problem definitely holds unfortunately. France must...

Unfortunate tweet sequence

[ by Charles Cameron — keeping a wary eye on algorithms, with the sting in the three links at the end ] . Here’s a tweet alerting readers to a newspaper piece on the Munich terror attack: Police investigate claim Muinch gunman lured victims to their deaths...

JJ MacNab on the Baton Rouge shooter

[ by Charles Cameron — plus further readings on sovereign citizens & the Moorish Science Temple ] . JJ MacNab, author of The Seditionists: Inside the Explosive World of Anti-Government Extremism in America — note date of publication — has the...