Center for Strategic Communication

The “refugee” koan

[ by Charles Cameron — considering both sides, while tilting one way or the other ] . I call it a koan because you can flip it — there are two sides to it, and very possibly a serrated edge that it can balance on, foiling your best efforts to come up with...

Krishna, meet Radha

[ by Charles Cameron — Muslims in India celebrate Krishna and his beloved ] . Amicable coexistence. Here we see a Muslim father in India, with his daughter arrayed as Radha, the beloved, lover, and companion of the Hindu deity Krishna: I’m posting it here...

Warrior / Spirit

[ by Charles Cameron — is “conflict resolution” in conflict with “conflict” — and if so, what’s the appropriate resolution? ] . [left] Strozzi-Heckler’s book, now in its fourth edition; [right] one of a series of figures...

Playing at Peace

[ by Charles Cameron — in which Daveed Gartenstein-Ross and Phillip Smyth get into role ] . The United States Institute of Peace is holding what it terms a PeaceGame today and tomorrow: The current PeaceGame series is tackling one of the timeliest and most...