Center for Strategic Communication

Mourning the loss of Monte Cassino

[ by Charles Cameron — destruction of sacred spaces ] . Do we grieve the destruction of the Abbey of Monte Cassino as we grieve the destruction of the Bamiyan Buddhas? ** With playful and appropriate scholarly tongue-in-cheek, Umberto Eco describes the...

Pussy Riot, Holy Foolishness and Monk Punk

[ by Charles Cameron — mystery beyond the senses, holy of holies behind the veil, altar beyond the iconostasis, and other considerations bearing on Orthodoxy, Pussy Riot, holy folly and monastic punk ] . Life is full of surprises. glorious photo credit: choir...

Liminality II: the serious part

[ by Charles Cameron — follow-up to Liminality I: the kitsch part, dealing with the strange business of liminality, submarines, monks and more ] . Limen is the Latin for threshold, and the liminal is therefore what happens at thresholds. ** Something pretty...