Center for Strategic Communication

What We Are Reading

Endless Afghanistan? Jim Miklaszewski and Courtney Kube / NBC News US-Afghan agreement would keep troops in place and funds flowing, perhaps indefinitely.   Fusion reactor achieves tenfold increase in plasma confinement time Matthew Francis / Ars Technica Work is...

Serpent logic and related

[ by Charles Cameron — where paradox begets form in phrasing, redux ] . Here for your entertainment and entrainment are some further instances where the tweet doubles back on itself, bites its tail, or otherwise embodies some form of “form”...

Emptiness and Hezbollah

[ by Charles Cameron — food for thought, or empty calories? ] . Sources: Heart Sutra Hezbollah ** Pondering. There’s definitely a form here, a commutative form, and the Buddhist part is interesting because it asserts some kind of commutation is possible...