Center for Strategic Communication

John Schindler 2: Putin’s Orthodox Jihad

[ by Charles Cameron — second and central of three posts, this one concerning a very powerful JS post ] . Saint Vladimir ** John Schindler‘s piece, Putin’s Orthodox Jihad, as I told him, answers so many of my unspoken questions that even thinking about it...

John Schindler 1: Putin, Gorenberg, Jerusalem

[ by Charles Cameron — Putin: the other fellow’s Ukraine is this fellow’s Temple Mount ] . It is hard to keep up with John Schindler [@20committee]: his writings flow fast and sure enough that I feel a bit like Alice, running fast to keep still, as I try to...

Paris: best resources

[ by Charles Cameron — where I’m finding clarity in the fog, and grateful for it ] . From my point of view, the most calm-headed and significant tweet thus far today must be Will McCants‘ offering of scholarly context: Insulting the prophet — a...

Coercion and Social Cohesion

(by Adam Elkus) Reader PRBeckman left a very great comment on my “Legibility at War” post, placing the WWI draft effort in perspective: The federal government wanted to conscript millions of eligible men, but it had no information about those men and it...