Center for Strategic Communication

Stereocognition, intelligence and the movies

[ by Charles Cameron — Zero Dark Thirty & Manhunt, fact and fiction, that old saw about who it is that gets to write history, thence onwards to theology & the arts, von Balthasar & Tolkien, winding up watching UK & US versions of House of...

Book Review: Kill Decision

Kill Decision by Daniel Suarez  Shlok Vaidya did an early review of Kill Decision here previously. I finally have caught up to Shlok and I’m ready to add my two cents without giving away any spoilers: First, I enjoyed the book. Kill Decision is a tense,...

Warlords Revisited

“The horror! The horror! Charles Cameron sparked a discussion with his doublequotes post on two colonels, the late strategist John Boyd and the fictional monster,  Walter Kurtz from Francis Ford Coppola’s classic Vietnam War film homage to Joseph...