Center for Strategic Communication

Mosul Museum: then the good news, perhaps

[ by Charles Cameron — second of three posts, this one more hopeful ] . Experts say footage of beheading of Christians in Libya was FAKE — Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) February 21, 2015 Does ISIS really...

A glass darkly for princes…

[pre-acknowledged by Lynn C. Rees] Meet Edward Mandell House:   Mr. House has a reputation for being wise and inscrutable. He was also nicknamed “Colonel” House. We need not refer to him by that nickname here. While Mr. House did have a name, he never...

The play’s the thing but blood is its trumpet

[resuscitated by Lynn C. Rees] A book review of Max Hastings’ book Winston’s War: Churchill, 1940-1945: John F. Kennedy said that in 1940 Churchill mobilized the English language and sent it to battle. But that was the problem. Churchill saw war in...