Center for Strategic Communication

Conkers (the game) and Deep Learning

[ by Charles Cameron — offered to 3QD ] . This is my second submission attempting (and failing) to become a regular contributor at the fine web-aggregator known as 3QD — you can read my first here. On rereading this more recent attempt, I am not sure I...

The ROE to Nowhere

[by Mark Safranski, a.k.a. “zen“] Many of you have seen the controversial NRO essay by David French on absurdly restrictive rules of engagement that enlisted men and their NCO’s and junior officers have been forced to wrestle with in Iraq,...

America’s Anti-Agoge

[by Mark Safranski, a.k.a. “zen“] “….Instead of softening their feet with shoe or sandal, his rule was to make them hardy through going barefoot. This habit, if practiced, would, as he believed, enable them to scale heights more easily and...

Is Strategy Dead?

[by Mark Safranski, a.k.a “zen“] [Photo credit: Peter Velter] Is strategy dead? Strategy seems to be widely admired in Western governmental circles, but no longer practiced in matters of state. I am not saying strategy has been forgotten. Far from it....