Center for Strategic Communication

Al-Muhajiroun’s European Recruiting Pipeline

After a period of silence, a couple of new pieces, the first for the CTC Sentinel, West Point’s excellent counter-terrorism journal. This one looks at the pernicious influence of al Muhajiroun, Anjem Choudhary and Omar Bakri Mohammed’s group across Europe....

Britain’s Terror Threat from the Levant

A very belated posting of an article that came out a while ago for the CTC Sentinel. It has been a very hectic and busy time and I have let things slip, but am going to try to finally catch up. A few longer pieces are working their way through the system and should...

The British Foreign Fighter Contingent in Syria

My new piece for CTC’s Sentinel, this one an update for a piece I did for them last February looking at the UK-Syria connection. Lots more on this topic coming. The British Foreign Fighter Contingent in Syria May 29, 2014 Author: Raffaello Pantucci In mid-April...