Center for Strategic Communication

Numbers by the numbers: three / pt 1

[ by Charles Cameron — I thought it might be timely to consider trinary thinking in light of Zen’s recent post featuring Clausewitz’ Trinity ] . I know, it sounds inherently ridiculous, but what would happen if we thought in threes instead of twos? I...

What eye and mind can reasonably absorb

[ by Charles Cameron — visual thinking, graphical presentation, the magical number seven plus or minus two, human intelligence ] . Look: click image to download pdf & see pp 12-13 for closer, full-size look Got it? That’s part of a double-page spread...

A graphic mix and match

[ by Charles Cameron — the serious-minded can safely ignore this post, which is of mainly aesthetic interest, surely a matter of no importance in its own right ] . Two graphics caught my eye today, one after another in my RSS feed. . The upper image comes from...