Center for Strategic Communication

America’s Anti-Agoge

[by Mark Safranski, a.k.a. “zen“] “….Instead of softening their feet with shoe or sandal, his rule was to make them hardy through going barefoot. This habit, if practiced, would, as he believed, enable them to scale heights more easily and...

Gaza now stretches all the way to Disneyland

[ by Charles Cameron — on the hopelessly interdisciplinary nature of reality ] . ** There really is no limit to the diversity of strands which go into a complex tapestry such as that of Gaza. Jean-Pierre Filiu has written, and Hurst will shortly publish, his...

Between the battle lines: how it works

[ by Charles Cameron — a follow up to my earlier post Of dualities, contradictions and the nonduality, with its Yogi Berra / Andrei Tarkovsky DoubleQuote ] . Abdul Sattar Edhi is the subject of a Telegraph piece I read today: ** Short form, excerpted from this...