Center for Strategic Communication

David, Goliath, and Art Spiegelman

[ by Charles Cameron — contrasting perspectives, asymmetric warfare, and a bible story ] . Art Spiegelman, the creator of the acclaimed graphic treatment of the Holocaust, Maus: A Survivor’s Tale, has now posted a visual DoubleQuote of his own, along with...

The Cockroaches of War. And of Jihad

[by Mark Safranski, a.k.a “zen”] John Robb had a cool post on the ultra-radical takfiri insurgency ISIS/ISIL and their self-proclaimed Sunni “Caliphate“, the Islamic State, whom he gave as an example of “the cockroaches of war”:...

Gaza symmetries and asymmetries

[ by Charles Cameron — “hatred of the other” viewed as a cognitive matter, and Richard Landes on the capacity for self-criticism ] . Credit: Amir Schiby ** Nicholas Kristof has a post today for the NYT Sunday Review, Who’s Right and Wrong in the...