Center for Strategic Communication

New Book: 13 Hours in Benghazi by Zuckoff

13 Hours in Benghazi by Mitchell Zuckoff with the Annex Security Team I just received a courtesy review copy of 13 Hours in Benghazi from Tony at Twelve Books. 13 Hours tells the story of the terrorist attack in Benghazi from the perspective of the surviving CIA...

US Foreign Policy, Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood

The Obama administration, though they would not characterize it as such nor have much desire to acknowledge it at all, have attempted  a strategic detente with the “moderate” elements of political Islam. This policy has not been entirely consistent; Syria,...

Boyd and Beyond Local DC Event

[by J. Scott Shipman] Jim Hasik’s White Board Outline   At the suggestion of Adam Elkus, we were privileged to host our first “local” Boyd and Beyond event on 15 December. We had 14 attend, and five speakers. Logistically, we turned our family...

Reforming Intelligence vs.Intelligent Reforms

The intense behind the scenes lobbying on behalf of prospective candidates to replace General David Petraeus as Director of the CIA and the ongoing furor over Ambassador Rice’s “talking points” on Benghazi, have spilled over into op-eds quietly...

The 2012 Warlord Loop Reading List at SWJ

Small Wars Journal has published the national security reading list  composed by members of  The Warlord Loop, a private listserv run by Colonel John Collins (ret.). You will find a wide-ranging list of titles in history, IR, strategic studies, military history,...