Center for Strategic Communication

Turkey – Russia

By Patricia H Kushlis The Turkish military’s downing of a Russian SU-24 was no accident but neither was the Kremlin’s overflight of Turkish territory nor its attacks on Turkmen living in regions of Syria close to the Turkish border.  Russian violations of Turkish...

Putin’s Birthday Presents

By Patricia H Kushlis Didn’t Vladimir Putin turn 63 on October 7?  And didn’t the Russian military provide him with a spectacular birthday present – the launch of 26 cruise missiles from the country’s flotilla in the landlocked Caspian Sea that very same day?  It was...

Here are the Facts: State Does It Again

by Joan Wadelton, Guest Contributor Update:   On October 29, State filed a motion to dismiss my case from Federal District Court. In doing so, it referenced the 2015 OIG Information Report – despite the Court’s ban on the introduction of new evidence. State,...

Third Greek Loan Progamme Takes Its Toll

By Lois Woestman, Guest Contributor  Dr. Lois Woestman, both a Greek and US citizen, currently works as EU-Liaison Officer at a German university. She previously worked as Lecturer and as EU-Liaison Officer for two universities in Greece, as well as a research/policy...