Center for Strategic Communication

FACT SHEET – Bangladesh

Bangladesh, a nation of nearly 170 million people is the world’s sixth largest country and the third largest Muslim majority country. Its shared borders with India and Myanmar and close proximity to China and the critical access that it provides to the Bay of Bengal...

Brief Note and New Books

[by Mark Safranski, a.k.a. “zen”] Working on a number of things, top priority among which is a cross-post for Nuclear Diner about the Myhrvold Report that Cheryl Rofer decisively shredded here last week. Cheryl and I have done some point-counterpoint and...

Quick one: Death to America is not in the Quran

[ by Charles Cameron — a sign of the times? ] . Definitely of interest, implications to be discovered: Wow. Isfahan v conservative city in #Iran “@NegarMortazavi: "Death to America is not in the Quran" Isfahan's friday prayer Imam told Fararu”...

The American-Iraqi Encounter

The absence of Iraqi voices from American discussions about Iraq over the last decade has long been a major shortcoming. The bookshelf of English-language books about the decade of war with Iraq overflows with accounts of Washington inter-agency battles, General David...